Sunday, September 27, 2009

Jasmine is doing very good! She has mastered sitting and now is on to standing...I'm so excited walking comes next:) I so look forward to chasing her aroung the house...Books, music, and toys are her favorite pastimes...Winter is coming so we are preparing for RSV, Flu, and the swine Flu...Good gracious...she has received her flu shot...RSV shots starts next month...and I think she will receive the swine flu shot next month as well....we hope all our friends at Forsyth and Wake are doing well...Jazzy sends kisses:)

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Professional Pictures Scheduled

I'm so excited Jasmine is scheduled for her first set of PROFESSIONAL pictures next friday. I look forward to sharing them with you all. Jasmine and I hope that everyone is doing well. We think of our friends often. She is trying so hard to talk and carry on a conversation, hopefully this will be easier in spring when the trach comes out. She had to have new ear tubes put in last week and the doctor did another bronch...everything looked good. Jasmine got to come home the same day because she was doing so well!!!! Therapies continue to do well...PT said, " that she will be walking soon." That should prove interesting with the oxygen tubing. Her favorite "thing" to do right now is to go backwards in the walker.

We send hugs, kisses, and best wishes to all!!!

Friday, July 10, 2009


Jasmine had her first playdate today...she and Phonenix were shaking their "stuff"...Jasmine continues to do well with her therapies...she celebrated July 4th on the beach with fire works...that was alot of fun...everyday we get braver with our adventures...there is alot for us to enjoy in Charleston...I must say I think it is a wonderful place for her to grow each of you we send hugs, kisses, and best wishes!!!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Jasmine got to do PT at the waterpark first she didn't know what to think...then she got it...she splashed and smiled alot...Jasmine continues to do well...Thank you God!!!! She is growing, playing peek a boo. and saying BA BA...this means dad in arabic...she continues to also do well in her therapies...soon we hope she will be walking...I look forward to chasing her around the house...the doctors said, "if all goes well...she will get her trach out next spring." I'm grateful for my wonderful, extra special, and loving daughter...she is such a pleasure to spend time with...I'm amazed, as well as, her therapist at how quickly she learns...again thanks to God!!!

Jasmine and I want to say a warm "hello" to Forsyth Medical Staff...Martha, Amy, Kristi, Christina, ...everybody there!!! Also a special hello goes out to Reagan!!! We send lots of love and kisses your way!!!!

Love to all
Shannon and Jasmine
and BA BA :)

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Jasmine has been home for "2 months and 4 days" ...

We have been very busy during this time...we have 2 physical therapist, 2 speech therapist, 1 OT therapist, 1 OM therapist coming to the home...they are all very lovely people and Jasmine has really taken to them...she is sitting, playing, laughing, and working on standing...she "praise GOD" is doing remarkably well...she also has TWO TEETH!!!

We are getting braver at home...we go for daily walks, we had our first dinner out as a family (you can sit outside),visisted the beach and this week will be our first visit to the park...we still don't do inside visits, or shoppping...this is the recommendation of her team of doctors...

Jasmine and I would like to say "hello" to a few people we miss so much!!! Jennifer (NICU Brenners), Melanie (NICu Brenners), Katie (NICU Brenners), Heather NICU Brenners)...all the NICU front desk staff!!! (please forgive if i forgot someone)

Monday, May 4, 2009

Jasmine is home now!!! We officially were in the hospital 14 months...WOW!!! Jazzy has been home for 1month and 4 days!!! We are adjusting to we know it now!! I can't imagine my life without my daughter...I'm very blessed to have her with me...I want to say THANK YOU to all the nurses, doctors, and medical staff for everything...many thanks are sent your way!!! I will never forget the last 14 months...I have changed so much in every thoughts ponder the many lives that have been lost in 14 the families who had a dream and lost it all so quickly...I will never forget these people and truly I send my love to all of them...Life can change so quickly ...I kiss my daughter all the time and tell her how much I love her...I'm so grateful she is sharing her life with us...Take care and keep posted Jasmine grow!!!!