Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Today was picture day...I know kinda late for holiday pics...what can I say? I seem to be chasing my tail right now...and apparantly Santa is visiting soon...and mommy isn't exactly ready...patience Santa please...I'll leave you more cookies:)
Okay so pictures...Jasmine wanted to run around the studio...Maria refused to smile...she actually looked rather ticked off =/ thats my when we could get "J" to smile..."M" refused...then when "M" finally smiled "J" decided to leave mid I am sounding like some crazy loon...come back J...M smile...all while I'm singing, tickling, and clapping to get them to the end we settled for the best we could do...
I also cannot figure out why I can't shake this cold...1 week now...still sick and OMG I'm sweating like a pig??? Why??? I hope this cold goes away soon...please God!
Well going for now...hoping all of you are warming up for the holidays:)

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