Saturday, December 10, 2011

Rainy Day

I just love rainy days. They give you that excuse to lounge around in your PJ's...without the guilt. One of my favorite sounds in the world ...melodies of raindrops. In the Hassouneh house we find all sorts of activities to occupy our slow moving rainy clocks:) Varieties of sleep, food, TV, coloring, cleaning, and laundry makes the clock tic. I especially love wet days for reading and trying to craft. I so want to be Betty Crocker...the romance of homemaker is alluring. There really is no other job as fulfilling as family, even on days you may feel loopy. And I admit I have those days, but then I remember the cooperate world. I will gladly take an apron over heels anytime. Well... off to snuggle with the lo vies on this fab drizzly day.

What do you do on rainy days?

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